After living an apartment where most maintenance tasks were covered, there are lots of surprises that come with buying your first home. While you've likely covered how to winterize your pipes and prep your lawn for spring, people often overlook one of the most important aspects of their home's security. Your garage door provides one of the largest entrances to your ho
- When installing a new garage door for your home, you do not need to keep using the same type of technology that has been used for numerous years. Garage doors have evolved and can now be integrated with modern technology features. When working with garage door professionals, you can find a number of features that allow you to use a garage door with modern technology l
- Being a landlord comes with plenty of benefits to take advantage of that tend to make the endeavor worthwhile, such as the opportunity to earn various tax deductions for things like depreciation. But along with the advantages also come responsibilities like paying for repairs and handling tenant complaints. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to protect your re
- The better you care for your garage door, the longer it will last -- and the fewer repairs it will require. It's easier to do a little maintenance each season than to wait until problems start appearing. Try implementing these garage door maintenance steps throughout the coming year. Your door will thank you with smooth operation and a long life expectancy. Spring De-
- A strong chain is only as good as its weakest link. When it comes to home security, your garage door could easily end up being the weakest link in the security chain. The average garage door often proves easier to break through than your front door, making it a primary means of entry for 9 percent of burglars, according to recent statistics. The following offers a few